Monday, June 8, 2015

Catching light 141 Chocolate Solidier

 Catching light 141
Welcome to Catching light meme.
 Create images with light or lack of light. I say light as it don´t have to be sunlight. The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways.  Most important have fun.

I´d like this to be a living meme. Not only another linky list. So far this is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for participating.

click to enlarge
Chocolate Solidier Akleja
© NF Photo 150514

One of the Columbines on my balcony in sunset light.

 Comment form for visitors outside BLOGGER
Note! If your blog ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog or GOOGLE+, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately. You shall have a backlink, and please, don´t advertise your own meme without having an image to share that corresponds to my meme.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar.

To join NF Catching the light ad your link in the linkylist. Link back to this post, visit others and get inspired.

1. NatureFootstep Photo  6. Ulla Laiho  11. Broken thoughts  
2. ohmydearests: guineafowl  7. Ileana  12. dNambiar  
3. Abstract Photos  8. Laurie Kazmierczak  13. Lisa  
4. Mascha  9. Andrea @ From The Sol  14. Jesh StG  
5. Mormor  10. marsha  15. bettyl - New Zealand  

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  1. What an awesome photo - marvellous!
    Greetings from Germany

  2. Nydelig fanget.
    Ha en flott dag.

  3. Oh how delicious ... chocolate and Columbines, both favorites. What an amazing catch, Monica. Lucky you, Columbines on your balcony. I used to have one in my garden but it was grown over by a ground cover before I realized what was happening. I must try again, they are so beautiful.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. lovely...columbines are also a favorite flower I mine...but the plants always got attacked by some bug that drew creepy lines through the leaves!

  5. how you framed it♪

  6. I love your little flower in the sunlight. Very artistic :)


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